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Independent audit of internal control systems

A major element in external audits these days is an independent review of IT infrastructure and processes. Such an examination assures you of the effectiveness and efficiency of your international business’s operations, its compliance with regulations and the reliability of its financial reporting.

You can only be truly confident in the way your organisation’s systems produce information if you have the technical insight of IT management and reporting process experts.

Rödl & Partner is able to offer the expertise of specialist teams in our regional head offices to carry out assessments and deliver hands-on, practical advice on the ways to improve them.

Our systems process audit services often include:
  • general review of IT control systems
  • applications and infrastructure security reviews
  • system audit, due diligence
  • implementation reviews and advice


Contact Person Picture

Judit Hohner

Auditor, Head of Audit


+36 1 8149 809

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Dr. Roland Felkai

Graduate in Economics, M.A. (London), Tax Consultant

CEO and Partner

+36 1 8149 800

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